Monroe College – King Graduate School

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Representative name: Evan A. Jerome | Senior Vice President – International Programs | [email protected]

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School video – Apply as an International Student

King Graduate School – Monroe College

Ranked as Best Value degree programs in the North East of the United States by U.S. News and World Report.

Evan Jerome is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Israel MBA Applicant Meetings – King Graduate School

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Meeting ID: 874 4538 7629

Passcode: 570779

The King Graduate School provides quality Master degrees to students from Israel seeking to work and study in the business capitol of the world – New York City.

12 courses, 36 credits

16-24 months

$6529 per semester

Up to $1000 per semester

Finance, Marketing, Human resources, Healthcare, Information Technology, Accounting, International Business, Supply chain, Project Management

145 Huguenot Street, New Rochelle, NY, United States, New York

Real world eduction, flexible schedule, affordable

Chat Transcript:

10:32:51 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Monroe College
10:32:44 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Stay safe always!
10:32:38 pm
User avatar Monroe_College [email protected] and [email protected]
10:32:18 pm
User avatar Monroe_College for any assistance do not hesitate to contact us!
10:31:03 pm
User avatar Monroe_College thank you for join us today, we are exited to see your emails and applications
10:30:46 pm
User avatar Monroe_College if no one has any other questions
10:29:01 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Do not be afraid to inquire, we are here for you guys!
10:28:18 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Your questions are important, and we want to make sure that Monroe will be you first option, let us know more questions at [email protected] and assistant [email protected]
10:27:10 pm
User avatar Moshe Thank you
10:26:57 pm
User avatar Monroe_College but always remember to let the Vice president know Jerome, at [email protected] he will help you out with that!
10:26:18 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Sure Moshe, the committee after reviewing your application will look for academics performance and eventually awarding you a scholarship
10:25:41 pm
User avatar Moshe Are there any scholarships available?
10:24:28 pm
User avatar Monroe_College for more info contact vice president Jerome at [email protected] or assistant Cleer Divitku at [email protected]
10:23:21 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Moshe: no requirements on that
10:23:09 pm
User avatar Monroe_College and finish your studies at monroe
10:23:00 pm
User avatar Monroe_College you can ask to transfer
10:22:48 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Hi Itzik, 4 years of army experience will count toward your resume or CV records, you need to complete your bachelor before applying for a master
10:22:07 pm
User avatar Moshe What will be an Ideal GMAT FE score to apply?
10:21:17 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Hi Barak, unfortunately to apply for an MBA you need a bachelor degree however we also have an undergraduate for business administration!
10:20:36 pm
User avatar Itzik Hi Monroe - I am 24, and have 4 years of army experience. can this count as my professional experience? and a second question, I am not going to begin my last university year (BA) can I register during this year to Monroe for my Masters? or need to complete the BA first (resulting in a gap year between degrees?)
10:19:57 pm
User avatar Barak Hey, I do not hold an undergraduate degree but have a strong GMAT score (695 GMAT Focus) and an excellent career record in tech and military intelligence, including management experience. Would I still be considered for the MBA program? How significant is the lack of an undergraduate degree given that I surpass all other criteria?
10:19:23 pm
User avatar Yitzhak Thank You
10:18:31 pm
User avatar Monroe_College and we are looking forward to enriching our Israeli community here at Monroe!!!
10:17:54 pm
User avatar Monroe_College we will love to give you guys more info about us
10:17:32 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Please for any questions if we run out of time, email Vice president Evan Jerome at [email protected] or assistant Cleer Divitku at [email protected]
10:16:11 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Gil please clarify your questions regarding salaries for graduates
10:14:25 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Can I ask to all the participants what are your concerns in terms of admissions
10:12:55 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Yitzhak, it will be reflected on your resume into your application, when the committee reviews they look at those things as well at take consideration for that
10:11:53 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Layal, we do not penalize candidates with different backgrounds, you might be required to take foundation courses to catch up with some of the courses that the MBA offers and on your interview you might explaine why you are choosing the MBA with your background
10:11:06 pm
User avatar Yitzhak I have served in the Military, can it be used to highlight my application?
10:11:05 pm
User avatar kk thanks a lot!
10:09:57 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Yuval, you are considered as international student, your work background is good to know but do not penalize your studies at monroe
10:09:02 pm
User avatar Layal Hey, dear, I finished English Literature and Political Sciences in my Bachelor's. I do not have any experience related to business. Would it be difficult for me to be accepted? I have three years of experience in the educational field.
10:08:32 pm
User avatar Monroe_College remember guys you can always let us know if you need a meeting
10:08:23 pm
User avatar yuval A question about military experience effect while applying for an MBA degree. How is your university admission policy for veterans, having less experience in the labor market?
10:08:19 pm
User avatar Monroe_College KK sure please send your resume to vice president Evan Jerome at [email protected] and write him a few of your questions aswell
10:07:39 pm
User avatar Monroe_College yes you will have time to engage unless you find a job which will take most of your time combined with your studies
10:07:07 pm
User avatar Monroe_College We have many activities on campus and networking events
10:06:40 pm
User avatar Gil any salary details for graduates? I am coming to the mba for a life changing experience, but also need to know it is financially the right decsision
10:06:27 pm
User avatar kk Is there any way I can send CV for scrutinizing if before applying so that I can improve and meet college requirements yes can you please share?
10:06:23 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Monroe College is well known for possibilities that we offer to our students, we underline the experience that you will gain here in the US and especially NY
10:05:12 pm
User avatar Monroe_College We look at serious applicants that wants to enrich they knowledge and experience here in the US, we prefer candidates that have clear idea of what they are looking for but we do not disregard first applicant approach to our MBA programs
10:04:56 pm
User avatar Ofir 1.What sets you apart as a business school compared to other schools? 2.Do you have any programs or courses for students that have mechanical engineering background? 3. How are the social activities in the campus? do you have the time to engage in social activities that are not related to school directly?
10:03:42 pm
User avatar Yitzhak What are the key criteria and qualities you look for in MBA applicants?
10:03:04 pm
User avatar Monroe_College 9 credits= 3 courses per semester 9.426$ per semester
10:02:41 pm
User avatar Monroe_College 7 credits= 6.529 ( two courses and 1 class of cpt)
10:02:07 pm
User avatar Monroe_College if you have to complete 36 credits you can take 7 credits per semesters or 9 credits per semester but the price will be 9.426 dollars per semester with the 9 credits
10:01:26 pm
User avatar Monroe_College we do not usually calculate the whole cost of the program since the price might change during the years
10:00:53 pm
User avatar Monroe_College you do not have to attend all 3 semesters you can always take a break after 2 consecutive semesters
10:00:30 pm
User avatar Monroe_College considering that monroe offers 3 semesters in a year
10:00:19 pm
User avatar Monroe_College depending on how many credits you take per semester
10:00:11 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Vered: it's usually completed within 1 year and a half and 2 years
09:59:28 pm
User avatar vered and the total cost (6500$ per semester, so what is the total tuition?) thank you
09:59:07 pm
User avatar Monroe_College if required by the committee will be asked for further info, usually it's not our case
09:59:03 pm
User avatar vered I didnt see in the above how long the program is?
09:58:40 pm
User avatar Monroe_College it's not a must for admissions
09:57:46 pm
User avatar alon Do you waive GMAT test or is it a must for admission?
09:55:26 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Ella, no preference between GMAT and GRE
09:54:58 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Something very beautiful of monroe is that we love the concept of a 'family' assisting our students towards they goals
09:54:31 pm
User avatar Ella Thank you for your answer, also is there a preference between GMAT and GRE?
09:54:19 pm
User avatar Monroe_College you can ask the vice president Mr. Evan Jerome at [email protected] for more detailed questions
09:53:41 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Hi Ella! sure our College offers orientation toward extracurricular involvement and networking, since we are located in NY it's on our top priorities to ensure good networking attending events and knowing the people that work at Monroe
09:52:17 pm
User avatar Ella Hi, are there any opportunities for extracurricular involvement and networking?
09:51:09 pm
User avatar Monroe_College You can ask the vice president Evan Jerome to connect you with some of our students and alumni at [email protected]
09:50:26 pm
User avatar adi How can I connect with current students/alumni?
09:50:20 pm
User avatar Monroe_College for info : Monroe College is owned by a Jewish family, for more info about our history please look up online!
09:48:41 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Hi Ezra! as I mentioned before the committee awards scholarships based on academics performance
09:47:31 pm
User avatar Monroe_College sure Maor!
09:47:30 pm
User avatar Ezra Dohan What are the scholarship options for Israeli candidates?
09:47:27 pm
User avatar Monroe_College By the way New Rochelle is located 17 miles from the city, this means that by train is only 30 mins avoiding the tough traffic of the city
09:46:54 pm
User avatar Maor thank you
09:46:53 pm
User avatar Monroe_College some of them complete their program living on campus in New Rochelle
09:46:27 pm
User avatar Monroe_College students usually live on campus the first 2 semesters
09:46:11 pm
User avatar Monroe_College scholarship are assigned based on academics, once you apply the committee will review your application and award you a scholarship!
09:45:23 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Hi Dan, that sounds very good and sounds as something that our king graduate school can take the lead and answer, we surely do have student organizations but since I'm working for the international admissions with vice president Mr. Evan jerome you can contact him and ask about those specific question at [email protected]! He will love your spirit and interest!
09:44:54 pm
User avatar Maor and how do I increase scholarship chances? are there social need base scholarships?
09:44:35 pm
User avatar Maor Where do students tend to live?
09:42:30 pm
User avatar Dahan Hi Monroe, I didnt hear about you before the fair, but I am reading now an impressed! Can I read somewhere about student organizations? I want to be involved in tech and startups during my MBA and would like to study with others like me
09:41:17 pm
User avatar Monroe_College you can find more details on the website
09:40:51 pm
User avatar Monroe_College and 9 courses for your concentrations ù
09:40:39 pm
User avatar Monroe_College you have 12 core courses
09:40:01 pm
User avatar Monroe_College working either part time for Monroe and for other business companies as well
09:39:41 pm
User avatar Monroe_College our professors are indeed professionals
09:39:24 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Monroe's concept is that the experience and the work are number one
09:38:46 pm
User avatar Monroe_College the minimum score of the duolingo has a minimum of 90
09:38:19 pm
User avatar Monroe_College To apply for the MBA you need, 2 letters of recommendations , resume, bachelor transcript, bachelor diploma, essay of 500 words, duolingo or TOEFL or IELTS
09:38:13 pm
User avatar adi Can you share about the school’s culture and how it comes to reality in the school’s programs and curriculum?
09:37:10 pm
User avatar Roi Hi Monro, can you comment about the admission process (specifically GMAT need) and on scholarships?
09:36:53 pm
User avatar Monroe_College you can set up your schedule on your time preference
09:36:27 pm
User avatar Monroe_College the MBA program is indeed very flexible for students that want to work while studying
09:35:43 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Monroe offers support to students that wants to do CPT or OPT
09:35:24 pm
User avatar Monroe_College You can surely find a job that has strong tights to your MBA program, as well you can try to get a job on campus
09:34:27 pm
User avatar kk Minimum salary I can expect after MBA?
09:34:15 pm
User avatar kk doing work preffered while studying MBA?
09:33:31 pm
User avatar Monroe_College you can take a semester to complete your English course and jump into your degree right after it
09:32:56 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Monroe has also an english course if you want to improve your english
09:32:04 pm
User avatar Monroe_College A minimum of 90 on your duolingo.
09:31:47 pm
User avatar Monroe_College I will say that we require a minimum score for TOEFL IELTS and Duolingo
09:30:46 pm
User avatar Monroe_College The leadership position at the undergraduate count as a work experience
09:29:30 pm
User avatar Monroe_College GMAT it's not a requirement.
09:29:10 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Hi! Thank you for your questions, your work experience is not a requirement to get into an MBA program at Monroe, you need to have a bachelor degree to access to the MBA program, you can apply and see if you will be accepted by the committee here at the Graduate King School
09:26:15 pm
User avatar kk good evening!! I have a work-ex of 2 years in different organizations. is this accepted? what is the Minimum work years required to get into MBA program? I have work ex in Bank of America but I left it to come back to my hometown and currently working at Charted Accountant firm, while preparing for exams, Do this impact negatively? If I scored less in GMAT- Quant section. Will any other quantitative skills value in place of that? Do you have option of deferred MBA if work ex is less than what is required? Is leadership positions at undergraduate college counts as work ex (professional experience) or not? Is there any other masters degree related to finance, management, accounting or entrepreneurship Which do not require GMAT/GRE. only standardized tests TOEFL/IELTS
09:16:27 pm
User avatar Monroe_College Good Evening to everyone!
09:15:57 pm
User avatar Monroe_College