Said Business School – University of Oxford

Representative name: David Fowler

Position: Senior Advisor MBA Recruitment and Admissions

Email: [email protected]

Open chat hours: 18:00-19:00

School brochure: click to open

School Q&A: click to open

Said Business School - University of Oxford

Saïd Business School is the business school of the University of Oxford. With over 500 matriculated graduate students entering each year, it has the largest intake of all graduate business schools in the UK. The school offers a one-year full-time MBA programme, 21-month modular Executive MBA programme, the DPhil or PhD Programme in Management Studies, the MSc in Financial Economics in cooperation with the Economics Department and the one-year MSc in Law and Finance (MLF) in conjunction with the Oxford Law Faculty.

The Oxford MBA provides a solid grounding in the major business disciplines and core business skills. Our faculty are world-class experts in their fields and they develop courses based on up-to-date best practice and the latest academic research.

Underpinning a rigorous programme of courses is an extended and strengthened talent development programme. All of our MBA students will be offered professional coaching and a suite of optional courses to help define your interpersonal, communication and team work skills.

Our programme draws on expertise from different disciplines in other parts of the University. In our elective courses and a new range of integration modules, we introduce approaches to thinking about the human condition and leadership and the broader business environment from a range of perspectives, drawing from philosophy, literature, politics, law, sociology and the sciences.

The Oxford MBA programme is built around three cross-cutting themes that relate to the world-scale challenges shaping today’s business environment: global rules of the game, entrepreneurship and responsible business.

12 months starting in September

£55,000 for 2018, fees TBC for 2019

We award a large number of scholarships for exceptional candidates. Scholarships are awarded based on merit. Along with dedicated MBA and Business School scholarships, students can also apply for scholarships across the University of Oxford. There are over 1,000 scholarships available for graduate students across all programmes. We advise candidates seeking scholarships to apply early.

The programme has 8 core modules, as well as 2 projects (the Entrepreneurship project and the GOTO project). Students then choose between 7 and 9 electives, from a portfolio of 30-40 different subjects on offer. Students can take more electives in one subject area if they wish. Students also have the option to take a Summer Internship or Strategic Consulting Project.

Oxford, UK

The Oxford MBA provides students with the opportunity to not only gain a world-class MBA, but to build lifelong relationships across the University of Oxford, and not just the Business School. Each year, we there are a number of Israeli students in our class, which is made up of over 60 different nationalities. Our MBA class has students from every professional background and industry, and each student has different goals, whether that is to progress within their current industry or organization, or to pivot into a new industry, function or location.

Said Business School - University of Oxford Chat
Guest- Kate
6/09 08:33PM
Guest- s
6/09 08:35PM
hey everyone, is there any zoom call ?
Guest- Nadav
6/09 08:35PM
Would you please elaborate on the process of securing financial aid and what are the options available to applicants from Israel?
Guest- Kate
6/09 08:35PM
I understood that it’s only text
Guest- Inbar
6/09 08:38PM
What type of candidates are you looking for? any specific background?
David Fowler
6/09 08:40PM
Hi all thank you for your messages!
Guest- Kate
6/09 08:40PM
Thank you for the session. My question is about what qualities I need to show in my application/ cv ? I have this question because I have 2 education ( in music and in biology) that have no relevant modules with entrepreneurship so I’m kind of confuse if to mention both. I have entrepreneur experience and some external courses visited but my current project is start up with no awards. So could you please give me some advice for my case and also tell the criteria for candidate selection and how I need to orientate my profile.
Guest- Dana
6/09 08:44PM
Hi! I'm planning on applying for 2023, and I have a 2-year-old son. Is it common for students at your schools to have kids?
Guest- Chaya P.
6/09 08:45PM
David Fowler
6/09 08:45PM
If you haven't had a look at our FAQ you will find the answers here :
Guest- Chaya P.
6/09 08:45PM
Hi I have dual US/Israel nationality, should I apply as Israeli (and win points for diversity) or US (and win points for being domestic and not needing a visa)? a bit about me - female, 26, NGO experience
David Fowler
6/09 08:45PM
Yes we welcome families, people bring their partners and children
Guest- Uri
6/09 08:47PM
David, can I take courses outside of Said MBA? I am interested in public administration
and a followup - how does the recruitment work post MBA? do companies only recruit EU / UK passport holders?
David Fowler
6/09 08:48PM
Nadav, regarding your questions on financial aid we do offer a number of scholarships to strong candidates. Please see the following link for more information
Hi Kate, it is important to mention your academic background as well as your work experience even if they don't necessarily match. In your work experience section you can explain everything about your entrepreneur journey and why the MBA is required for your future goals.
Hi Inbar, we don't look for an specific background but we want MBA students who aspire to lead withpurpose, with the passion and drive to meet the demands of the future. When you join Oxford Saïd, you make a commitment to dealing with some of the most important problems in the world. That’s what we’re about. Our goal is to have impact to transform people, businesses, and society.
Uri, it is possible to take a 1+1 MBA where you undertake Masters degree in Year One in a functional subject followed by the MBA in Year 2. More information on the Oxford 1+1 MBA can be found here
Hi Chaya either Israeli or US would be fine, if you apply to Oxford you wouldn't be considered domestic as we are in the UK not the US
Uri, regarding your follow-up question, we offer a Careers Development Centre who will help you in your search for a new role, offering direction and guidance. Your student visa will allow you to remain in the UK for up to two years following the completion of your MBA, to search for work.
Guest- Ariel
6/09 08:52PM
Hi, thank you so much for doing this. Can I do a career shift after my MBA? I am a lawyer
Guest- Gal
6/09 08:52PM
Do domestic students have an advantage when applying to your program?
Guest- Kate
6/09 08:53PM
I also have double nationality Israely and Russian. Is it any problem for Russians to apply to Oxford?
David Fowler
6/09 08:54PM
Gal, when you say domestic students, only 6% of our 320 annual intake originate from the UK. This year there are 71 different nationalities on the programme and so we are very international and diverse. Therefore entry is based on merit.
Kate, we have many people with dual nationality and being Russian is certainly no barrier to entry to the Oxford MBA
Guest- Chaya P.
6/09 08:56PM
thanks David
Guest- Mark
6/09 08:56PM
Hello David, how are you doing? Could you please share your opinion on what would be the recommended specializations for candidates from a tech and computer science background?
David Fowler
6/09 08:57PM
Hello Mark, when you say what would be the recommended specialisations can you please elaborate what you mean?
Guest- Mark
6/09 08:58PM
Specifically what type of electives offered in the program could be most beneficial for those who have a background in tech, for example.
Guest- Asaf
6/09 08:59PM
Hello, I saw the average age is 28. I will be 30 this summer. Yea!!! I don’t have a GMAT yet. Am I getting too old for your program?
David Fowler
6/09 08:59PM
Ariel, we have many people who choose to pivot from one sector or role to another post MBA. The most important thing is to be able to make this pivot credible and achievable in the eyes of future employers e.g. you have transferable skills who you can bring to the new role from your old one
Asaf, no you are certainly not too old at 30. We have many students well into their 30's and starting your GMAT prep now should not be a barrier
Mark, that is probably quite a detailed question in this forum as there is a choice this year of 38 electives. I would be happy to fix a 1-1 Zoom call to discuss further. If this is of interest then pls first send me your CV to [email protected]
Guest- Mark
6/09 09:04PM
Great, thank you David.
David Fowler
6/09 09:06PM
Dana, apologies I think I missed your question earlier. We have quite a number of students who come to Oxford every year with children. The University of Oxford can assist with providing information on accommodation and nursery provision for families.
Guest- Asaf
6/09 09:07PM
thank you
Guest- Dana
6/09 09:08PM
thank you!!
Guest- nunu
6/09 09:09PM
David, I want to study my MBA in the UK, and Said is top of my list. if I apply in R1 and dont get in. can I apply in R2 again?
also, do you see an advantage in applying to R1?
Guest- Ofir
6/09 09:11PM
David, will the studies in your MBA program be on campus or online?
David Fowler
6/09 09:13PM
Nunu, if you apply in R1 and do not get an offer then you must wait until the following year's intake to re-apply. You cannot apply again in R2
Ofir, the Oxford MBA in a one year face-to-face programme where the student must be in Oxford. It is not an online MBA.
Nunu, I would certainly recommend applying in one of the earlier rounds like 1 or 2.
Guest- Kate
6/09 09:17PM
And what could happen if one more wave of covid or other thing happens ? like it was in 2020. I hope that everything will be fine but just in case
David Fowler
6/09 09:19PM
let us all hope not Kate - the 2021/22 current intake has all been face-to-face tuition and learning unaffected by covid.
Guest- Kate
6/09 09:20PM
And for one-to-one consultations that you mentioned what should I provide I case that I would like to apply
David Fowler
6/09 09:22PM
Kate, Please email me your CV to [email protected] and then can potentially set up a 1-1 Zoom call to discuss your profile, the programme itself, the application process and also your post MBA career goals
Guest- Kate
6/09 09:22PM
Thank you David
Guest- Guy
6/09 09:24PM
David hi, thanks for all the above. I just learned about the 1+1 . if I apply to that and dont get in, can I still apply for the "regular" MBA?
David Fowler
6/09 09:28PM
Hi Guy, the 1+1 means that you will need to make two separate applications - one to your chosen masters programme and one to the MBA. It can be that you get an offer from one and not the other. In this case, if we were to make you an offer for the MBA which would fall in Year 2, (and you did not receive an offer from your Masters programme) then we may ask if you wish to join the MBA programme solus in Year One. Hope this makes sense?
MBAFair Admin
6/09 09:32PM
The chats are now closing. Thank you all for joining.
Guest- Tamar
6/09 10:09PM
Hi..small question- Oxford has their own CV template for MBA application. Do we have to use that only or we can share the CV in our own template
Park End St, Oxford OX1 1HP, UK